Instantaneous (continuous flow) hot water systems

At Proven Plumbing & Gas Services Pty Ltd we specialise in all plumbing and gas services. Our team will come to your property and ensure we deliver results on time, every time!

Instantaneous gas hot water systems, also known as continuous flow, don’t have storage tanks and heat water only when required.

Water is heated by a gas burner as it flows through a coiled pipe called a heat exchanger. The gas burner starts when a hot water tap is turned on. It only heats the amount of water that is required instead of continuously heating a full tank. As they don’t store any hot water, there is no heat loss from a tank and so can have energy and cost savings.

To allow enough time for heating, the water is slowed down as it flows through the heat exchanger. This means that instantaneous units supply hot water at a lower pressure than storage systems. They can typically deliver hot water at flow rates per minute of between 10 litres and 30 litres, depending on the model. 

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